The software market is at an inflection point, with widespread adoption of big data, cloud, mobile, collaborative and business process management technologies expected over the next 24 months. This is according to a customer technology adoption survey, carried out by Software AG at its ProcessWorld 2012 event in Florida. 
The simultaneous adoption of these technologies is significantly changing the ways enterprises do business and accelerating the reaction of enterprises to changing customer and market behaviour.
Asked to identify technologies that will open major business opportunities, over 20% of responders see the management of big data and collaborative work practices as important technologies, over 30% see cloud and mobile applications driving new business and over 40% see business process management as the key technology in the digital enterprise.
“Driving the adoption of these technologies is the need for faster, better informed business decisions,” says Software AG chief technology officer, Wolfram Jost.
“But the realtime data, rapid scalability and fast decision making enabled by these technologies are of little use if companies still take months or years to implement business process change. The market will not wait. By integrating business processes with big data, the cloud and both mobile and collaborative applications, we are giving enterprises an uninterrupted rapid response service to changing market conditions.”
This was further emphasised by the survey response to the management of big data. Customers primarily saw the need to gain realtime operational business insights to drive faster and better informed business decisions as the prime reason driving adoption.
Software AG sees the successful management of big data as a game changing force for all businesses and last year bought Terracotta, the company behind some of the most widely used software for application scalability, availability and performance.
“We recognised that in-memory data processing is the future,” says Software AG chief marketing officer, Ivo Totev.
“A value chain is only as fast as its slowest link and in-memory technology frees customers from the storage and database bottleneck in processing both huge amounts of realtime data and archived data. This allows for rapid and fully informed business decisions.”
The impact of big data and faster business decisions is huge. It has been estimated that $300-billion could be saved each year in the US healthcare system with big data technologies. EU agencies could cut their bills by $250-billion. Further calculations indicate that American companies could increase their operating profit margin in the retail sector by 6% or liquidity in manufacturing by 7%.
Completing the jigsaw, ProcessWorld attendees primarily saw the integration of on and off premise application integration as the main driver for cloud adoption.