
Accelerating transformation to keep up with next-generation supply chain

The global supply chain is experiencing a myriad of disruptions including geopolitical tensions, price increase of raw materials, natural disasters, shortage of key components, increased backlogs, and the rapid technological developments such as the explosive rise of...

Supply chain professionals gear up for Cape Town event

Hundreds of supply chain practitioners from across Africa and around the world will meet in Cape Town next week for the annual SAPICS Conference. Hosted by the Professional Body for Supply Chain Management (SAPICS), this year's gathering represents a vital opportunity...

Save the planet with principles of circularity

As our natural resources dwindle and carbon emissions rise, circular supply chains are becoming more critical than ever. According to author and circular supply chain guru Deborah Dull, we can save the planet using the principles of circularity. Dull is the author of...

Supply chain security vital for SA’s digital-first financial system

South Africa's banking sector has always been characterised by forward-thinking mindsets. Like the rest of the continent, digital platforms and services play a crucial role in offering financial services to a majorly underserviced or "unbanked" population. By Monica...
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