Facebook has unveiled a new “graph search” function that improves users’ abilities to search the social network for pictures and information.
Although CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the company has no immediate plans to commercialise the tool, there is the potential to sell advertising and start competing with other online ad platforms. Zuckerberg demonstrated the new tool at a media launch yesterday.
Calling it “one of the coolest things we’ve done in a while”, he says the product is still in the early stages of development and will be enhanced in the future.
The new tool lets Facebook users search in four categories: photos; people; places; and interests. It also allows them to narrow down their searches by adding specific characteristics.
Zuckerberg says search results will be limited to information that has been posted publicly or shared with the person doing the search, so different results will come up for different users.
He recommends that users check privacy settings for new posts if they are concerned about privacy.