Unison has announced the release of its new business intelligence (BI) offering, Unison Analytics, which has been specifically designed to measure and enhance the management of enterprise communications.
“We are extremely excited about this newest addition to the Unison value proposition,” says the company’s business development director, Keith Jones.

The solution, the first of its kind to market in South Africa, offers insights around usage and user-driven trends that will be invaluable to organisations in understanding their position on the adoption curve for new communication technology platforms.
“The mobilisation explosion, social media, and the maturation of cloud offerings are driving an unprecedented shift in the behaviour of the workforce,” says Jones.
“Most organisations are still grappling with the added complexities in their business when ideally they should be leveraging these new technologies to their advantage.”

Marco Almeida, Unison’s Analytics consulting manager concurs, saying that the new platform will allow clients to take the level of business insight around communication trends and usage to a whole new level.
“The value derived from this will be huge. Most businesses struggle to acquire that all-important single view of a user which answers questions around what communications are being consumed when and in what format. Unison Analytics will offer this visibility down to a granular level, providing insight into shifts in not only employee behaviour but that of customers as well.”

According to Almeida, this kind of intelligence is instrumental to driving down the cost of enterprise communications.
“Clients can expect to achieve savings of around 20% or more on their communications bill. But the real value will come from selecting and managing the vendors and solutions that suit the business going forward. And let’s not forget the Holy Grail: driving up productivity in a real and measurable way.”

Unison’s chief technology officer, Mark Osborne, is especially pleased with how well the platform has been engineered to withstand the rapid evolution of the technology space.
“We have designed and built the solutions using best practice, and have future-proofed the platform as far as we possibly can. Unison Analytics leverages many of the current as well as some of the exciting new features available in the Microsoft SQL platform.”

Highly scalable, the solution is ideal for assimilating high volumes of information.
“The platform is designed to take data feeds from all forms of communications – fixed line, mobile and data, comprising e-mail, video, social media and the like with the view to accommodating new ‘big idea’ unified communications feeds of the future,“ says Osborne.
“Our partnerships and certifications with Cisco, Avaya, SAP and Microsoft ensure we are uniquely qualified to leverage these platforms in large organisations. We believe no other vendor can offer this level of integration or support for large businesses.”