Ever met that special someone on a plane but, for whatever reason, contact details were never exchanged? Without their names, how are users going to find those special people on Facebook? 
If users are looking for someone they met on a flight, the WeMetOnAPlane mobile app is an opportunity to search, find and connect with others.
Go to WeMetOnAPlane.com’s Web site and download the app. Conduct a search using the flight number, year, month, date, origin or destination. The advanced search algorithm will display search results of all stories from that specific flight that have been shared by other passengers.
Recognise a story? Simply post a reply to that story and the writer will be e-mailed immediately.
Don’t recognise any of the stories? Simply click “share your story” and users can tell fellow flyers their story, and share it via social media – including Facebook and Twitter. The more people who know, the more chance users have of finding and connecting with that special someone.
Australian Internet entrepreneur Will Scully-Power is the brainchild behind the recently launched app and founder of the WeMetOnAPlane.com Web site. He launched the site after meeting his girlfriend on a plane in 2011.
The free app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
“We already have thousands of stories shared from hundreds of countries, including the US, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway and India.
“With more than four billion passengers passing through airports annually, we are excited about the opportunity this mobile app brings in helping people reconnect with the one that got away,” says Scully-Power.