The South African Integr8 Group is re-branding Integr8 Fax to Fax Unplugged as part of its global expansion plans. 
Integr8 Fax is an established innovator in cloud-based technologies around paper to electronic based unified communications, with fax-to-e-mail as one of its core offerings.
The company is one of a handful of providers that own and manage their own platform, with a substantial base of resellers that offer fax-to-e-mail services under their own white labelled brand.
Robert Sussman, joint CEO of Integr8, explains that Fax Unplugged offers precisely the same level of performance, reliability and ease-of-use that customers have come to expect from the company’s fax-to-e-mail service – only that it is now being managed under a different brand.
Executive management believe the Fax Unplugged brand has global appeal and also the technical clout to be established more independently and aggressively in the market.
“This will further cement our fax-to-e-mail offering as a corporate service which differentiates itself from casual, non-established e-mail providers in that it is an enterprise grade service. Platforms globally are hosted in carrier grade data centres with full triangulation and redundancy,” Sussman adds.
All communication through the fax servers is recorded via an advanced algorithm which allows for archiving and indexing according to the South African ECT Act or regulatory compliance in the respective country.
Management at Integr8 believe the offering empowers global consumers of solutions that facilitate the transition from paper-based fax to electronic communication.
They also emphasise the opportunity and growing requirement for this level of technology and support within the government sector.
“While it is tricky to quantify the size of the market with total accuracy, there is said to be in the region of almost 13-million e-mail users in South Africa alone. There is definitely growth within the international fax-to-e-mail market and an increase in awareness and interest in this technology on the domestic front,” comments Ashleigh Whitfield, chief operating officer of Fax Unplugged.
“This growth is being driven by the advantages this system offers users, including the fact that there is no limit on the number of faxes that can be received, the speed of operation and cost saving due to the automated process that is involved,” she adds.