FNB has announced that a BlackBerry 10 version of the FNB Banking App has been developed and is available for the new BlackBerry 10 operating system. The FNB app is currently in the BlackBerry store and is available as a free download.
Since the app’s commercial launch in July 2011, it has amassed more than 380 000 active clients, has seen more than 300% year-on-year growth and more than 600% growth in transactional value and volume. The app is currently adding more than 40 000 active app users per month.
According to Farren Roper, head of FNB Connect ISP and Business Operations, BlackBerry devices are amongst the most popular with active app clients.
Roper adds “BlackBerry currently constitutes 29% of our app user base. BlackBerry 10 users can expect a new and exciting user experience from the app, and we are delighted to welcome our BlackBerry 10 users on board.”
BlackBerry 10 users will be able to obtain the new app from the BlackBerry 10 app store.
“We want to make the app available on as many devices and platforms as possible where it makes sense. Having our own in-house team makes us more agile and means that we can constantly introduce ‘mini-vations’ to the app. Our customers can look forward to some exciting new features in the next few months,” concludes Roper.