Unison Communications, the continent’s leading enterprise communications management (ECM) provider. recently became Africa’s first ECM specialists to boast a locally hosted SAP Managed Mobility Service (MMS). 
The partnership is an exciting one for the company, whose enterprise platform has grown from strength to strength in recent months. This latest development will see the inclusion of SAP’s MMS features and functionality into Unison’s Enterprise offering, making it the most comprehensive ECM provider in the region.
According to Keith Jones, strategic business development director for Unison Holdings, the partnership with SAP is a natural progression for the business.
“Both SAP and Unison lead the market in our respective sectors, while more than 80% of our clients utilise SAP somewhere within the organisation. By unlocking the SAP silo of information, Unison’s Enterprise offering can now manage and control enterprise communications across all platforms, media and devices. The insight gained will translate into significant savings for our clients.”
The value delivered is twofold, going much deeper than straightforward return on investment (ROI).
“Firstly, the solution offers a savings of around 20% in communications costs. These savings are linear and finite. The second level of value will come from identifying and supporting productive behaviour and seeing where communications and mobility can be used to drive increased productivity.
“These savings are infinite and exponential as the business begins to leverage recent technology shifts to its advantage,” explains Jones.
“This is ultimately the difference between a reactive and proactive approach to the market. The enterprise offering from Unison allows organisations to holistically manage and control the communications environment as it stands and plan for the future in a controlled and structured manner that ensures the best possible value is extracted from suppliers, staff and infrastructure.”
The SAP MMS offering consists of two platforms: Afaria, for Mobile Device Management (MDM) and SUP for Mobile Applications Development (MAD). SAP is strongly rated by Gartner in the MDM quadrant and is the absolute leader in the MAD quadrant.
Unison’s business development executive, Andrew Groves, is pleased with how the SAP partnership dovetails with other new developments within the ECM sphere.
“We have been working hard over the last two years extending the Unison Enterprise offering. This SAP partnership follows the release of the Unison Mobile product and coincides with the release of the analytics and compliance modules on our enterprise platform. The addition of the SAP MMS platform and functionality allows us to offer customers the most complete hosted ECM offering on the market.
“The solution can be hosted both on and off premise and we will be working hard in the near future to improve the integration into the other SAP offerings such as HR, SAP analytics and finance,” says Groves.
“The control and savings we will be able to offer customers around their enterprise communications will be unprecedented.”