A recent hack on the SABC news site is being touted as part of the opening salvo in an Anonymous attack on South African sites known as Operation South Africa (#OpSAfrica). 
Although it’s unclear whether the operation is being carried out by Anonymous or a local splinter group, claims of more than 700 000 personal records being copied and posted on the Internet could have South African users worried.
Anonymous #OpSAfrica claims that the SAPS (South African Police Services), the ANC (African National Congress) and the ANCYL (ANC Youth League) Web sites have also been taken down as part of the operation.
The 700 000 compromised records are said to be from South African corporates, and it’s believed they contain personal information on the companies’ customers.
There have also been online calls for hackers to join the operation to help take down more South African government and corporate sites.
A tweet yesterday declares: “Anonymous declare #OpSAfrica is open (South Africa) and start off with a bang by hacking into the SABC news. More action is expected soon.”
The operation appears to have been instigated by an online group calling itself Team Ghost Shell (#TeamGhostShell), which last week published a lengthy call to action under the tag “ProjectSunRise”.
The group points to current problems within the country, and concludes that a local branch of Anonymous is needed to help enforce change.
Team Ghost Shell claims to be aligned with Anonymous’ #OpSAfrica, with the goal of ridding the country of corruption, making all knowledge free and helping South Africa “out of crime, corruption and poverty”.