ZA Books is a new online bookstore launched by Apple distributor Core Group, focusing on school-level textbooks for iPad users.
The company has sourced textbooks from the majority of South Africa’s academic publishers, and made them available for purchase and download on the Apple platform.
The available books cover the full South African schools’ curriculum, from Grade 1 to 12.
ZA Books is available on the South African iTunes App Store.
Currently, it allows a school access to more than 600 South African textbooks for their learners, with more being added on a regular basis.
Schools are able to select their book lists and purchase the relevant number of licenses, depending on the number of learners in a particular grade.
Alternatively, learners (or their parents) could buy their books individually, or add titles not on the book list at any time.
Once the books – or individual chapters – are downloaded, there are a number of interactive features including bookmarking, annotation, highlighting of key content as well as “freehand” writing and note taking.
Free updates and additions to the app functionality and interactivity will occur throughout the year.
The leading South African publishers have committed to the project, which launches with 600 titles from the following publishers: Berlut Books; Cambridge University Press; Career Focus; Classroom Masters; LAPA Uitgewers; Life Publishers; Macmillan; MME Media; Maskew Miller Longman; Oxford University Press; Pan Macmillan; PUO; Random House Struik; and Shuter and Shooter.