South Africa has committed to a low-carbon economy, and companies are invited to join the debate around the National Climate Change Response White Paper.
On 26 February, Champions of the Environment Foundation in partnership with the Gordon Institute of Business Science Transnet Programme in Sustainable Development will host the South African Conference on Carbon Emissions & Tax.
The overall theme of the conference is to discuss how to implement a sustainable business strategy in the knowledge economy.
To achieve compliance and governance, there are a number of business imperatives that companies must take into account.
These include the implementation of a policy in a transparent and accessible manner that meet stakeholder security and environmental and social risk analysis (ESRA) requirements, while complying with environmental social governance reports (ESG).
Among other things, the conference will conduct co-ordinated consultations setting out the vision for transitioning to a low carbon economy with relevant stakeholders regarding the white paper.
It will encourage activities that conserve and protect the environment for the benefit of the whole community, as part of a larger focus linked to climate change, rural development and South Africa’s UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) progress report in 2015 that affects all South Africa.
Companies invited to attend to the conference will include listed private and public entities across all sectors impacting the JSE, with C-level and operations executives from finance, governance, compliance, risk, procurement, legal and marketing standing to gain from the content.
Key outcomes from the conference will be on how to efficiently manage inevitable climate change impacts through interventions that build and sustain South Africa’s social, economic and environmental resilience and emergency response capacity.
The debate seeks to make a fair contribution to the global effort to stabilise greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that avoids dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system within the timeframe that enables economic, social and environmental development to proceed in a sustainable manner.
Programme director for the day is Dr Andrew Siddle, who practices as an independent consultant in the fields of public and corporate governance, compliance, and policy analysis and implementation
Speakers include Dr Elsabe Steyn, Adam Simcock and Alex Hetherington – all able to speak knowledgably on climate change and help guide organisations in their response.
The South African Conference on Carbon Emissions & Tax takes place on 26 February 2013 at the Gordon Institute of Business Science in Johannesburg.
To register for the event, please contact Vanessa Solomon on