Gartner has positioned Information Builders in the Leaders Quadrant of its Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, based on the evaluation of the company’s WebFOCUS business intelligence suite.
According to the report, the BI and analytics platform delivers 15 capabilities across three categories: integration, information delivery and analysis.
Gartner states: “This emphasis on data discovery from most of the leaders in the market,  which are now promoting tools with business-user-friendly data integration, coupled with embedded storage and computing layers (typically in-memory/columnar) and unfettered drilling — accelerates the trend toward decentralisation and user empowerment of BI and analytics and greatly enables organisations’ ability to perform diagnostic analytics.”
“Strategic organisations are realising the intrinsic value of deploying information to large numbers of people, both within the enterprise and to external customers, suppliers, and other parties.
“Information Builders is uniquely positioned to help companies capitalise on this trend by better managing their data for the highest returns possible on their information investment,” says Johan Jurd, MD of InfoBuild, a representative company for Information Builders in SA.
He says WebFOCUS allows even non-technical end users to access, customise and assemble realtime interactive dashboards and run self-service reports and ad hoc queries to obtain unique insights. Advanced visualisation and predictive modeling can be embedded into these solutions, enabling users to ensure that every decision is the result of analytics, regardless of their level of technical expertise.
WebFOCUS is fully integrated with Information Builders’ iWay integration and information integrity solutions, allowing companies to seamlessly integrate and cleanse data from disparate sources for more accurate insight.
The company’s capabilities also extend to virtually every mobile platform – without device-specific coding – ensuring that customers can access and manipulate information on the go with the same functionality they enjoy in the office.
“We have noticed a trend of customers viewing their existing data as an investment in the same manner they might view financial or human capital,” says Jurd.
“The best way to reap the ultimate reward from this information capital investment is by giving the entire spectrum of users – both internal and external – the necessary tools to conduct realtime data analysis, regardless of their technical expertise.”