Ricoh is one of Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the world for the ninth year and has been every year since the list’s inception in 2005. The list recognised Ricoh in three areas: resource management; financial management; and employee management.
“The list recognises companies that are best positioned to thrive in what’s known as a clean economy, which incorporates social, economic, ecological benefits and costs, and it indicates that organisations are aware of and know the full impacts of their actions,” says Kevin Wilson-Smith, business excellence manager at Ricoh SA.
“It shows us that our sustainable business operations are having a positive impact.”
Ricoh prioritises employees and the list recognised employee management with an emphasis on safety and diversity. The company also works to constantly reduce its carbon emissions, committing to reducing CO² emissions by 87,5% by 2050 compared with levels measured in 2000, and helps customers to reduce their environmental impacts.
In financial management Ricoh perpetually seeks economies of scale and maximum resource utilisation through resource and process efficiencies.
Ricoh helps customers reduce their environmental impact through its Total Green Office Solutions, which includes a range of products and services for large and small businesses.
The company’s collaboration with its clients embodies the spirit of the Ricoh brand – imagine.change. – and ensures it delivers efficient, cost-effective document management services that lead to better knowledge sharing, customer responsiveness and business agility.
The Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World is the most extensive corporate sustainability assessment in existence, with 4 000 companies evaluated and inclusion limited to a select group of the top 100 large-cap companies in the world.
Other Ricoh awards include being recognised by the FTSE4 Good Index Series for the ninth consecutive year, while the global consulting firm Deloitte rated Ricoh as one of the top global organisations ready for a green and inclusive economy.
In addition, in Europe, Ricoh won the Eco-Enterprise Innovation Award at the Oracle Excellence Awards for the efficient and sustainable way Ricoh has built a new IT infrastructure to support its operations in EMEA.
The 2012 Chief Sustainability Officer Award was also presented to Ian Winham, CIO and CFO at Ricoh Europe. Ricoh Europe’s Private Cloud infrastructure also won the Green IT Awards 2012, Cloud/Virtualisation Project of the Year.