Oracle has announced the general availability of NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 7.3.
NetBeans IDE 7.3 features advanced HTML5, JavaScript and CSS development capabilities, for faster and easier rich Web and mobile application development.
The new release improves support for the Java platform with feature enhancements including new hints and refactorings in the editor and improved support for editing FXML layout files in JavaFX projects.
NetBeans IDE 7.3 continues to support the latest Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and GlassFish Server releases along with a new stand alone JPQL editor, to run and test JPQL queries directly from the IDE.
NetBeans IDE is a free, open source IDE available for Windows, Mac, Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux, and other Linux distributions, that enables developers to rapidly create Web, enterprise, desktop and mobile applications for the Java platform, PHP and C/C++.
By providing a single environment where development teams can deliver Java services and create HTML5-based clients, NetBeans IDE 7.3 can empower developers to create and debug rich Web and mobile applications, which consume Java services, using the latest HTML5, JavaScript and CSS standards.
New features in the NetBeans IDE 7.3 include:
* HTML5 editing with code completion for new HTML5 elements;
* New JavaScript editor and debugger based on the Nashorn JavaScript project;
* Code completion support for jQuery;
* Support for responsive Web design-based applications;
* CSS Styling support and code completion for new CSS3 rules;
* Live code and Web page synchronisation facilitated by deep bi-directional integration with Google Chrome and the internal WebKit-based browser;
* JavaScript client generation from existing Java REST services;
*Enhanced editor, with additional new features such as Breadcrumbs support and access to Clipboard History; and
* New support for profiling Java applications on Linux ARM based systems, such as the Raspberry Pi.
“Thanks to the Java community for their active involvement in helping us shape the NetBeans IDE 7.3 release,” says Chris Tonas, VP, Application Development Tools, Oracle.
“Oracle continues to closely align the NetBeans IDE with Java EE to help developers be more productive in building enterprise applications. With support for HTML5-based client development, NetBeans IDE 7.3 enables developers to integrate best-in-class technologies more easily, leveraging modern JavaScript technologies for the view layer with the rich Java EE back-end services, security and programming model.”