Industry analysts agree that Project Management will play an increasingly significant role in business in 2013 and beyond. Service providers in this space are ploughing resources into the development of solutions designed to make a difference to decision makers as they negotiate the challenge of effectively managing their project portfolios. In this competitive marketplace, differentiation and value-add are survival tools.

One service provider that seems to be getting it right is McManus Consulting, based in Johannesburg, a global provider of project management services and solutions.

Established in 1994 by Tony McManus, McManus Consulting began as a services consultancy firm and is now an established solutions business.

The value of its offering is such that the company treats ‘any organisation or individual that runs a project’ as a potential customer.

Its mission is to help clients achieve success by ensuring that projects work through effective project management methodologies and automation solutions without forgetting the human aspect.

The company has elevated its profile in the market with its contribution to the development and introduction of, a project and portfolio management workflow solution based on leading technologies developed by McManus Consulting in collaboration with Dac Systems.

Dac Systems is the company’s development partner and has been actively involved in the development of various generations of core Project Management solutions.

McMethod was first developed in the 1990’s as a supporting toolset for consultants providing project management services. Enterprise is currently specific to the enterprise market, but will soon cater for a hosted or cloud option and is available on the Microsoft PPM solution stack.

It offers the user a number of advantages that Tony and his team of associates are eager to present to clients.

Among the key benefits of are that the enterprise can define their desired processes, that project managers have a clear understanding of what process each project type requires, and that the application of best practices will result in an improvement of project success rates.

McManus also suggests the tight integration with existing systems and the ability to unleash the power of existing Microsoft investments as other important benefits.

The market is currently looking for solutions that can be easily and instantly integrated, that provide value from the get-go.

In, McManus Consulting believes it has a turnkey solution that adds immediate value to the Project, Portfolio or Operational Management environment.

The company’s technical acumen in the applicable products reflects an advanced, up-to-date and relevant skills base that differentiates it clearly from competitors.

To date McManus has been the project management service provider of choice to a range of high profile clients within the insurance, financial and ICT/ telecommunication sectors.

“We are very well positioned to add immediate value to clients and have a successful track record of helping clients extract maximum benefit from their project management investment,” says Tony McManus.