IBM has been recognised for its supply chain leadership by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The IT company was presented with a 2013 Climate Leadership Award by the EPA, the Association of Climate Change Officers, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and The Climate Registry.
IBM was cited for its ambitious emissions reduction goals, and for being at the leading edge of setting requirements for suppliers to measure, disclose and reduce its operational greenhouse gas emissions.

The Climate Leadership Award is a national programme that recognises exemplary corporate, organisational and individual leadership in response to climate change.
This year’s recipients, who come from the public and private sectors, have demonstrated leadership in managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in internal operations and through the supply chain as well as integrating climate resilience into their operating strategies.
“For IBM, environmental leadership is essential to building a smarter planet,” says Wayne Balta, IBM VP, Corporate Environmental Affairs and Product Safety.
“We are always looking for ways to improve environmental performance throughout the company, including supply chain management that advance sustainability.”