Keeping HIV-positive women and their children healthy is the mission of mothers2mothers (m2m), a non-governmental charitable organisation focussed on eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
In order to better support this mission, m2m has chosen OnBase, Hyland Software’s enterprise content management (ECM) solution, to manage, track and record its programme data in South Africa.
The organisation started its project across five pilot sites and plans to deploy the project nationally by the end of the year. The project will utilise OnBase to efficiently track Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) data of mother-baby pairs.
It was a challenge for m2m to track the progress of the programme because of the increasingly large amount of records generated through the PMTCT cascade.
Often, forms were duplicated by the Mentor Mothers, the women employed by mothers2mothers. m2m sought a solution that would allow information, data and ongoing care regimens to be recorded, captured and tracked efficiently.
“HP recommended that we research Hyland’s ECM solution to support this project. Because HP is one of our existing partners who understand our mission and the results we hope to accomplish, we trusted their suggestion,” says Shungu Gwarinda, country director at m2m.
“We chose OnBase because it will allow us to effectively track the progress of each mother’s case and easily monitor data to find trends and locate vital information in seconds.”
Using OnBase with HP scanners, data and forms are electronically captured, managed and accessible from one central repository. The OnBase Mobile solution enables access for Mentor Mothers to electronic forms via smart phones or tablets, from anywhere.
m2m employees will be able to update and review documentation from the field, saving time, reducing the chance of content duplication and accurately measuring the effectiveness of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme.
“We are delighted to be working with m2m and supporting such a worthy cause,” says James Longstaff, sales director.
“m2m’s OnBase solution will dramatically improve the outcomes by connecting Mentor Mothers with records in realtime, enabling faster care and guidance, showing that ECM is an important component in healthcare.”