According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), a project that studies entrepreneurship activity around the globe, South Africa’s entrepreneurial activity still lags behind other emerging markets. 
Compared to BRICS countries, South Africa’s Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) is the second lowest of the BRICS economies, most especially between the 18 to 34 years age bracket – the age group that drives most of the efficiency-driven economies around the globe.
Liquid Telecom, in its commitment to promote ICT and encourage entrepreneurship in under developed areas has launched its Entrepreneurship Development Programme in the North West Province. The aim of the programme is to improve the socio-economic environment in the region by installing 40 satellite sites and establishing Internet connectivity in the respective communities.
In addition, the eTransform Africa report, which analysed the impact of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in Africa, states that one of the contributory factors to Africa’s economic growth is the continent’s access to ICTs. Furthermore, the report estimates ICT’s contribution to Africa’s Gross Domestic Product at 7%.
“Our experience has shown that ICT can drive entrepreneurship and consequently create jobs and economic growth. Through our Satellite Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Liquid Telecom will technically train 10 potential entrepreneurs who are already qualified in the technical aspects of satellite environments,” says Craig Young, head of Broadband Services-Africa, Liquid Telecom.
In addition, the company will also train this group of potential entrepreneurs in its Entrepreneurship Business model to ensure the sustainability and success of these entrepreneurs. At the end of programme, these potential entrepreneurs will be considered for further business development initiatives.
“We are pleased that we were able to partner and assist Liquid Telecom in the realisation of this project. Through more partnerships of this nature, we will be able to ensure that one of the country’s most pressing priorities, small business development aimed at the youth – is addressed,” adds Octavia Kumalo, MD, Foundation for Internet Development.
To ensure that these entrepreneurs do not fail due to lack of support and training models, the Foundations for Internet Development has sourced the services of Pendula ICT, a non-profit ICT training, development and implementation company to implement this project on behalf of Liquid Telecom.
Pendula ICT will be responsible for the training of the respective entrepreneurs as well as the installation and overall management of the project.
“Emphasis needs to be placed on high-impact, high-growth entrepreneurs who will utilise the assistance mentioned above more efficiently. We believe that through such partnerships we will provide the country with a platform for which challenges and obstacles facing entrepreneurs can be overcome,” adds Kumalo.