Project and portfolio management has evolved to the extent that immediate and accurate management via mobile devices, integrated with the cloud, is possible.

Executive management from leading project management expert services providers, including McManus Consulting, Microsoft and Dac Systems believe South African businesses now have an opportunity to strengthen their project management capability and better leverage off this discipline to improve operations.

To illustrate their point and unveil available game-changing technology, leadership from Dac Systems, McManus Consulting and Microsoft hosted a number of customers, partners and business leaders at an information session in Bryanston on 11 March.

Aldo van Tonder, solutions executive at Dac Systems, underlined the significance of Microsoft Office365, Nintex and Project online and the contribution these technologies continue to make to build project management efficiency in business.

He also reflected on several offerings that are designed to empower businesses with the ability to make the most out of data, of out-of-the-box capabilities and optimised processes to improve management of projects and ultimately enhance operations.

The cloud has changed the dynamics in terms of how companies drive projects and manage the discipline.

Dac Systems, together with its partners, believe the market has opened up significantly in terms of its understanding of the relevance of the cloud and how mobile integration can strengthen project management.

“The reality of the market today is that businesses can manage projects, initiate and control critical processes using mobile platforms, and they know the entire project cycle can be looked after and controlled, whether on-premise or remotely,” van Tonder explains.

He is confident that the introduction of Project Online, and PowERP solutions will help to usher in a new project management methodology and application strategy for businesses to follow.

“The challenges to business remain and are acutely felt in times of economic pressure or slow-down. These challenges include addressing the requirement for flexibility, accessibility and mobility in the workplace, the ability to align investment with business priorities to better compete and achieving maximum leverage of comprehensive vision and control of what people are doing in the organisation.

“Fortunately, the area of project management is one characterised by extensive innovation and this will help businesses to successfully address these challenges,” says Van Tonder.

New Project is the umbrella term used by Dac Systems and its partners to describe the impact these technologies and trends are having on business operations, irrespective of their size, focus or level of PPM expertise.

Given the increase in interest in solutions and services that are cost effective and promise ROI, the case for solutions that offer capabilities to enhance project management is justified.

Tony McManus, MD of McManus Consulting, a long standing partner of Dac Systems, demonstrated the power of methodology and its service in facilitating cloud and mobile based application in the market today.

“We are very proud of and the input of our partners in ensuring the transfer of value to clients. Project management has evolved and we believe that platforms like reflect this level of innovation and progress,” says McManus.