The perception that IT and cyber security stands in the way of innovation is incorrect. The reality is that if managed correctly with the assistance of an experienced service provider, ICT security can be a business enabler and serve as the conduit to a more mobile, more productive workforce.

Today issues like BYOD, bring your own app (BYOA) and big data dominate discussion in the boardrooms of many local businesses. The pressure to manage these influences securely and within budget, whilst simultaneously complying with regulation, has fuelled the misperception that ICT security somehow stifles innovation and development.

Our view is that the protective “walls” that businesses construct to deflect infiltrations and ex-filtrations, whilst not providing some level of threat intelligence and provisioned access models (such as Role Based Access Control) as well, is rendered useless when it comes to BYOD.

ICT, and security, must adapt to this trend and deploy tools to mitigate the plain fact that data control is no longer merely deploying internal technology to control security rights and policies.

The conundrum many employers now face is accommodating employee’s desire for the functionality and convenience offered by smart devices while ensuring the security of the business and integrity of Intellectual Property (IP).

Yet there is no denying that the increased rate of adoption of mobility is an example of the powerful role of ICT security. Only a few years ago it would have been difficult to imagine that a conventional workstation could be replaced with a smart mobile device, which can be taken anywhere and offer the same functionality.

The notion that an employee can be productive and add value to the business at any time is now a reality.

However, these devices are actually only computers in a smaller format, be it a cell phone or tablet. Computers are vulnerable to hackers and malicious attacks, and even more so in the case of smart devices. Not only are the devices now harder to control and manage, but they can be taken (and left) anywhere.

Without a clear security strategy in place, these devices can become a hindrance and risk to your business activities and leave IP in jeopardy.

A trusted and experienced ICT security services provider is in a position to secure smart devices to ensure that they can be effectively controlled and managed. As such, the adoption of these smart devices has led to a massive increase in efficiency and responsiveness – or agility in business. This paves the way for increased business productivity and growth.

In as much as security threats in a mobile world are real and ever-present, devices can be enabled to allow you to grow your business. This is done by intelligently provisioning mobile applications and services which your workforce can use to grow the business beyond your expectations, while doing so securely, effectively and in a managed environment.