Swift Worldwide Resources has launched a joint venture called SOMINU with the Eastern Nsema Stool community in the western region of Ghana. SOMINU, which means, “help to lift,” will provide job opportunities for over 2 000 personnel to support the upcoming construction of a deep-water port facility in the Atuabo region of Ghana.

“We at Swift take seriously our commitment to the areas in which we work worldwide,” said Swift CEO Tobias Read. “This partnership is a great example of leveraging our expertise to support community objectives, help bolster employment, and develop skills in the local economy.”

The partnership will focus on maximising employment and skills development of the local Atuabo population. All the profits from the project will be reinvested in training and community improvement programs focused on education, healthcare, and sports.

SOMINU is 51% owned by the Atuabo community and 49% by Swift Oil & Gas Ghana Limited (SOGG). The company will act as the contract-holding office with all clients providing services to the project, and will be the exclusive provider of contingent manpower to all involved.

Construction of the deep-water port facility is expected to run from 2014 through 2017. The estimated capital expenditure of the project is estimated to be $1,5-billion.