VMware South Africa’s partners are providing customers the chance to explore the next evolution of virtualisation through the provision of a vSphere Optimisation Assessment, says Mark Reynolds, partner lead at VMware.

With the vSphere Optimisation Assessment customers can find out how to cut time to problem resolution by 26%, spot over-provisioned VMs, cut IT admin costs, save up to 30% on hardware by increasing capacity utilisation and easily predict and respond to future business needs.

The vSphere Optimisation Assessment is a 30-day trial that allows you to evaluate VMware vSphere with Operations Management or the VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite. A VMware partner will install the software, monitor and collect data for a few weeks and compile findings and recommendations in a personalised master assessment report.

At the end of the trial customers will receive a customised vSphere Optimisation Assessment Report. This 20-page report will clearly illustrate how to improve the efficiency of the virtual environment, manage risk and improve health.

This means that customers will be able to proactively ensure service levels, optimise resource usage and manage dynamic virtual and cloud environments. Instead of customers reacting to problems they will be able to solve them before they happen. While reports like this could traditionally cost thousands VMware South Africa is offering it to customers in the region, to show them the power of VMware Operations Management.

With the vSphere Optimisation Assessment you can better see how you can enable your IT organisation to quickly start increasing capacity, performance and savings.