I’m Bored is an easy application that informs, excites and communicates family-focused events, services and happenings. It has now added a new feature that allows anybody – consumers, events owners and organisers – the ability to upload info on their latest happenings directly to the I’m Bored Facebook pages and the I’m Bored Web site – for free.

Since its launch in December 2013, the wholly South African developed product, has attracted thousands of loyal users – It is currently talking to over 40 000 national fans and growing at a rate of 18% per month. Adding huge value to families and events alike, the app talks to an already qualified target audience that are actively engaging with the app and hungry for news.

The new addition allows the user to upload activities and events that are family oriented, which happen in and around JHB, Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Durban – additional promotion is also offered on the service for a small additional fee after the initial free post per event.

Content only goes “live” after it has been carefully curated to ensure that it meets the I’m Bored criteria. The new app also answers requests from existing users for a way to upload content that promotes local, more community-focused initiatives.

“There is a world-wide trend towards focusing on community,” comments Lorraine Steyn, I’m Bored founder and a mother. “By providing an easy mechanism for families and event’s organisers to list and engage with one another and inform, we hope to champion this trend here in South Africa.”

In fact, while many are opting out of the main digital rat race over weekends, I’m Bored provides the way to make online time count with its easy access to info on the go, but also, its ability to pre-plan and ‘calenderise’ your weekend in advance, limiting the need to be always logged in and switched on.

I’m Bored is easily accessible through a website, Android app, via Facebook or a Facebook app (for use on all phone types), and is a one-stop portal for all things family – events, services and happenings.