The bring your own device (BYOD) movement is going to place pressures on corporate technology and finance departments as enterprises struggle to manage the costs and complexities of going increasingly mobile, says Derick Roberts, CEO of wireless solutions provider, TruTeq Devices.

Roberts said that if left unmanaged BYOD could lead to loss of control, impact on the company’s network availability and cause critical data loss.

Vital company information could also unwittingly be made available to outsiders – including rivals – due to the problems associated with managing the use of BYOD from a user security point of view.

According to Larry Dignan, editor in chief of ZDNet and SmartPlanet, by 2018, the size of the mobile workforce will double or triple.

Companies are going to have to set policies and architecture to keep data safe. In other words, BYOD may become a BPITB (big pain in the butt), Dignan quipped.

In terms of governance and compliance, BYOD could cause companies to violate rules, regulations, trust, intellectual property and other important business aspects.

Roberts said that in terms of mobile device management, companies need to focus on managing growing employee expectations surrounding mobility and their devices.

“Employees use many devices and they expect to use any device, or application, anytime, and anywhere.”

This could cost companies, not only from a financial aspect – but also from the lack of control surrounding data due to the unleashing of BYOD.