EMC Corporation has announced that EMC Syncplicity has been positioned as a “leader” by Gartner in its 2 July, 2014 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing.Known for its hybrid-cloud storage approach to synchronization, modern user interface and ability to seamlessly integrate into other business processes and workflows, Syncplicity was positioned furthest along the “completeness of vision” axis on the Quadrant.

According to Gartner, “EFSS (Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing) refers to a range of on-premises or cloud-based capabilities that enable individuals to synchronize and share documents, photos, videos and files across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets and PCs.”

Key areas of support include mobility, security, administration and management, back-end server integration, content manipulation, collaboration, simplicity and usability and storage.

Recognizing an opportunity to provide true enterprise file synchronization and sharing, Syncplicity continues to build upon its success record of disruptive, SaaS-based agility and innovation over consumer-grown apps while maintaining data privacy.

Syncplicity simplifies end-user deployment and administration with on premise, off premise or hybrid cloud storage options that gives IT complete control and flexibility of the storage layer – all while introducing strategic enhancements that improve upon its user experience, mobility and security.

Thus far in 2014, Syncplicity has introduced a revamped mobile app extending its promise to provide beautifully designed apps that improve workforce mobility, productivity and collaboration.

With a commitment to break down information silos, Syncplicity offers seamless integration with existing content management infrastructures including Syncplicity Connector for Documentum which provides content editing and information rights management capabilities, and Syncplicity Connector for SharePoint allowing files from the application to be accessed and edited via mobile devices.

In May, Syncplicity enhanced its security measures with the release of StorageVaults and StorageVault Authentication to set security controls on storage repositories. StorageVaults enables customers to control where files are stored based on user, group or folder – enhancing security and allowing them to manage data residency compliance. Customers now have complete control over who can access their files.

“We are thrilled to be recognised by Gartner as a Leader in the enterprise file, sync and share space. Throughout this report, Gartner is acknowledging that EFSS is a necessary tool to help businesses usher in the next wave of workplace transformation.

“At EMC, we believe the answer lies in the hybrid cloud storage model – a best-fit cloud storage option built exclusively for enterprises that are unable to commit to cloud-only technologies – and an unrivalled user experience. Enterprises crave the flexibility, efficiency and mobility a modern enterprise cloud platform app provides.”