The Gumtree app enables BlackBerry 7 and 10 smartphones users to find small ads near them, view full ad descriptions with high-resolution photos, edit and manage their own ads, post an ad with pictures from their smartphone or take new pictures, and more.The launch is part of Gumtree’s commitment to expand their mobile service offering in South Africa, notably by reaching out to a growing mobile audience across numerous devices.

“We want to make it as easy and convenient as possible for people to use our website,” says Gumtree’s Marco Riedl. “This app allows BlackBerry 7 and 10 smartphone users to search through classified ads across all nine provinces, reply to ad listings, and easily post ads with just a few simple taps on the screen. And the app is free.”

“BlackBerry smartphones are extremely popular in South Africa, and it’s important for us to meet our users where they are at. You should be able to access Gumtree from any device, anywhere,” adds Riedl.

The move will drive even more traffic to users’ existing ads. “We understand the importance of mobility and users will be able to see the impact of it as well. We’ve listened to our users’ feedback and will definitely look to launch even more apps to meet the growing demand.”

“Gumtree is currently the 6th largest website in South Africa, with close to 20 ads being uploaded every minute. And offers nearly 3 000 ads featuring Blackberry products every day.”