Information Builders, a leader in business intelligence (BI) and analytics, information integrity and integration solutions, has launched WebFOCUS InfoDiscovery, a Web-based, self-service visual analytics tool designed to help analysts, power users and business users visually analyse complex data, create insights and enhance decision-making across the organisation.
“InfoDiscovery enables analysts to retrieve and decipher data from spread sheets, departmental databases, enterprise data warehouses and third-party data sources faster than ever before in a true self-service environment,” says Johan Jurd, MD of InfoBuild, the sole representative of Information Builders in South Africa.

The solution allows users to combine charts, graphs, maps and other data sources to create sophisticated visualisations and publish dashboards. InfoDiscovery gives users the ability to visually analyse more data than ever before with the assurance that the data is secure, auditable, shared and governed.

It enables users to share works in progress with other authors and facilitate collaboration as author numbers grow. Upon completion, visualisation projects are housed in the solution’s secure, portal which streamlines and accelerates the deployment of InfoDiscovery visualisations for all levels of users.

The solution also features advanced geographical analysis with the help of intuitive, maps that blend spatially-related data with external demographic or market information. Mapping visualisation helps users better understand customer trends, locate inventory and detect fraud.