“Threat actors” in the cyber and mobile security arena have been posing more and more of a threat to the South African digital banking landscape. The focus has moved away from individuals, who were traditionally seen as the weak link, and now falls on banks and financial institutions themselves. This has raised the need for financial institutions to increase their efforts on cyber security in the banking realm.
Taking place on 21 and 22 October, at the Indaba Hotel, Fourways, Johannesburg, the Cyber Security in Banking Conference 2015 will address, among other concerns, innovations such as the move to biometrics as an implementable security measure, building a secure banking cyberspace ecosystem, centralised cyber security management, cyber forensics in banking, the future digital consumer and capitalising on big data for cyber security as well as data protection and integration.
Sian Wirth, Marketing and PR Manager, said attendees of the Cyber Security in Banking Conference 2015 can expect to engage with fellow cyber security professionals dealing with data security, technology & business development, business management: security solutions, the cloud as a security measure, electronic delivery channels, forensic services, IT architecture and development, fraud, risk management and system support, to name a few.
South Africa as part of the global cyber security community needs to take initiative to curb the cyber-crimes; this event will cover topics pertaining to: threats posed by attackers to compromise end-user passwords; banking on information security for banks: centralised cyber security management; common cyber-attacks against banks and banking clients; move to biometrics as a functional security measure; electronic banking transactions: customer, the bank, and the fraud; cyber-security, big data, privacy and regulatory challenges.
Save the date for this event taking place on 21-21 October 2015, take advantage of the opportunity to be updated on the latest in cyber-security concerns in the African digital banking market, and build industry contacts for success in the cyber banking arena.