In East Africa, governments are the top target sector for cyber attacks, fielding 33% of the threats. Telecommunications (22%) and financial services (17%) follow in close succession.
Contrary to the perception that cyber breaches are a problem unique to the large multinational companies based in developed markets, East African organisations are fast becoming a target for attacks with local subsidiaries particularly attractive as the ‘cyber’ route into these multinationals.
According to Control Risks’ cyber threat intelligence team:
* Attacks are increasing rapidly and in severity: Globally there has been a 42% increase in the number of targeted attacks reported between 2015 and Q1-Q2 2016.
* For East Africa, Advanced Persistent Threat and Criminal Targeted Attacks are the most impactful cyber attack techniques in 2016.
* In Kenya alone, the estimated costs for the country due to cyber crime costs sums up to 2-billion Kenyan shillings ($23m).
* The Kenyan Government has made great strides with the formation of Kenya National Computer Incident Response Team Coordination Centre (KE_CIRT/CC) launched in 2012 and the development of the national cyber security strategy in 2014, it is however key for the public and private sector organisations to interpret what the policies mean for them; essentially adopt a “paper to practice” model for their organisation.