Pokemon Go has overtaken Twitter as the the top app in the US, with a massive 33% of Android users having downloaded the new game.
This is according to MFour Mobile Research, which uses its App Tracker technology to identify all the apps downloaded by Android users among its million-member, all-mobile active panel. As of Tuesday, 33% of them were using Pokemon Go, exceeding the 30% who have Twitter.
However, while users around the world – including South Africa even its not yet officially available here – are playing the game in their millions, they need to be aware of the threats posed.
Researchers at IT Security company Sophos has warned users that there is at least one hacked “malware remix” of the official Pokémon GO app doing the rounds.
The “remix” is deliberately poisoned with an Android spyware/RATware/zombie toolkit that hides malware code inside a fully-functional and otherwise identical-looking version of the original app.
The security company warns users that if they have gone “off-market” to get the game, they might not be able to spot the difference between the “real” version and a malicious clone.
The company advises the following:
• Avoid apps with a poor or non-existent reputation. Don’t trust an app about which no one yet seems to know anything.
• Stick to Google Play if you can. Despite this and other recent failures, it’s still safer than unregulated Android markets where anything goes.
• Use an Android anti-virus.
• Manage your business phones centrally.