Trend Microhas been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Email Security 2016 Vendor Assessment.
“Trend Micro is placed in the Leaders category in this [year’s] IDC MarketScape for making its messaging product a prominent part of its security suite, which also includes its endpoint, web, encryption, mobile, and soon network security products,” according to the report.
Trend Micro’s focus on some of the newest concepts in email security, such as specialised threat analysis and protection (STAP) features including sandboxing technologies, and anti-spear phishing protocols, helped to achieve a Leader position. In addition, customers liked Trend Micro’s easy set up and use of the email product.
“We are committed to staying at the forefront of attack trends and protecting our customers from these evolving security threats,” says Kevin Simzer, executive vice-president, sales, marketing and business development for Trend Micro. “Our goal is to make our email security products user-friendly, with numerous leading capabilities across a variety of environments to fit customers’ needs while providing the highest level of security against malicious emails and threats.”
According to the IDC MarketScape report: “Trend Micro is very good at listening to customers and adjusting its products based on the current trends according to its customers.” The report further explains how Trend Micro’s “channel partnership, sales structure, and multiple bundling options with its own products and partners make it easy to purchase the product and any additional products and features exactly how, when, and where a customer requires them.”