eLearnAfrica will be providing financing for the design, development, and delivery of online degrees with top African universities.

This effort will expand the company’s contribution to increasing access to online educational opportunities for universities throughout the continent.

eLearnAfrica’s founder and CEO, Brook Negussie, notes the importance of this opportunity for African universities. “Financing the design, development, and deployment of online degrees is essential to meet the demands of our African universities.”

eLearnAfrica works with university administrators and instructors to clearly understand the academic aims of each programme. This is combined with training instructors in the relevant technology and best practices in online teaching.

Development consists of transforming existing learning materials and creating new ones.

African universities have considerable experience in delivering university degrees to non-traditional students. For decades, this has been done through correspondence courses, radio programming, and television programming. Now, it is done through the Internet.

For them, the partnership permits an important expansion of their current offering of distance learning through online degrees.

For some of the universities, working with eLearnAfrica will be the first experience in online degrees.

According to a recent report by Ambient Insights, the African e-learning market is witnessing massive growth, spurred by public-private partnerships. It points out Africa’s e-learning market has doubled from 2011 to 2016, reaching $513-million.