There is an exciting role based in Cape Town for NOC Engineers. The role is for Level 2 NOC Engineer.Level 2 NOC Engineer primary task will be be to focus on identifying and resolving:

– Technical supports faults
– Network monitoring events
– Network outages

Serviing as:

– Effluent, knowlegeable and excellent customer service engineer to accept and advice on technical escallations within the workflow demand and adhoc.
– Effluent, knowlegeble and excellent customer service engineer to accept standby calls from staff to direct resolution and communicate with the customer where required.
– Accepting and coordinating, managing technical support and network operations and queries, alerts, faults and escallation to resolve as per predefined and trained processes

The secondary tasks is to manage fiber and build complaints:

– Superior customer service
– Accept through various channels
– Record all details
– Effective faults coordination

Learn more/Apply for this position