SearchInform’s ProfileCenter creates a user’s psychological profile and predicts his/her behavior.

The automation of profiling allows companies to benefit from the methodology without third-party profilers being involved.

It allows companies to predict employee behavior, assess and mitigate risks associated with the human factor, as well as to conduct investigations when there is no crime evidence.

ProfileCenter recognises basic values, opinions and inclinations of a user based on the analysis of the text written by him/her upon over 70 criteria. The analysis result is displayed in a report with explanations and recommendations according to the psychological type of a person.

The block of recommendations will identify which employee behavior markers should be paid attention to; how safe it is to give an employee the access to the confidential information, financial assets and valuable resources of the company; whether an employee is good for a particular position, etc.

A company expert can see a layout for each specific user and whole team both in a user-friendly interface. The layout includes, for example, ratings of the most ambitious, demotivated, prone to deception, and more.

“Today, a person with individual character traits, changeable behavior and hidden motives still remains at the center of risk management. To ensure security, it is important to simulate a risk and not to provoke but rather prevent a violation. However, only large companies can afford to hire profiling experts for the constant assessment of risks associated with the personnel. For this reason, we have automated the process of profiling to help risk management professionals to be proactive,” comments Sergey Ozhegov, CEO of SearchInform.

The module was developed in 2017. Only six months after the presentation, in April 2018, the product was commercially released. Ten companies have already implemented ProfileCenter, and more than 200 organisations have launched pilot projects as of September 2018.