Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as the most frequently-mentioned theme among the key disruptive technologies in the discussions of the world’s leading CEO’s during the first half (H1) of 2019.

This is according to GlobalData’s CEO Influencer Platform, which tracks over 300 of the world’s leading CEO’s from blue chip companies and unicorns, and their discussions pertaining to emerging trends, pain areas, new fields of innovation and other popular areas on Twitter.

Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) were the other disruptive technologies that received huge coverage during the period.

Amandeep Gill, influencer research head at GlobalData, says: “Most CEOs concur that AI will have a fundamental impact on their organisations by enhancing the extraction of data to augment the adequacy of their activities and upgrade the customer experience.”

GlobalData CEO Influencer Platform also reveals that the healthcare industry is a huge interest area among the leading CEOs within AI spectrum, where they are alluding to the benefits of AI for healthcare providers and patients with realtime analytics.

Gill concludes: “From automotive to healthcare, disruption has hit multiple industries catering to the evolving demand of high level of personalization and customization. Innovation has not only eased the efficacy in supply chain by providing electronic health records (EHR) in healthcare industry, but also provided millennials with distinct unique experiences lining from smart products to autonomous vehicles.”