Global security group dormakaba has created a virtual headquarters set in the Italian Alps. The Virtual Design Centre lets customers, employees, and other stakeholders immerse themselves in the company’s products in a new and innovative way.
Through virtual reality goggles, headphones, and controllers, ‘visitors’ can view the company’s history, values, and mission, and experience how its extensive range of access control solutions work in practical ways.
“The Virtual Design Centre shows how virtual reality can be used in practical ways to engage directly with customers. For example, product demonstrations are now a much more hands-on experience with users able to work the solutions themselves in a variety of use case scenarios as it applies to their industry,” says Travis Wentzel, Marketing Manager, SSA (Sub-Sahara Africa) at dormakaba South Africa.
The Virtual Design Centre enables visitors, through their avatars, to host virtual meetings. They can go on a virtual tour of the organisation and discuss their unique security and access requirements with dormakaba product specialists from around the world.
There is also a virtual showroom with a large selection of dormakaba products and solutions. The virtual industries section (airport, industry, and hotel) features built-in dormakaba products to highlight how the solutions integrate with existing operations. Each dormakaba product can be virtually disassembled into the smallest detail so customers and partners can get an intimate understanding of how it works.
“Our Virtual Design Centre takes the dormakaba innovation approach to the next level. Given how different uses cases for VR emerge almost daily, we are continuously evolving our Design Centre with new features. This is an exciting journey we are taking with our customers in this digital world of business,” Travis concludes.