Parents around South Africa are both cautious about their children returning to school and frustrated by the time lost through 2020. Given relatively low internet connectivity in most areas of the country, online learning has largely failed as a stopgap during Covid-19.
According to a national survey of 1 000 respondents undertaken by gig technology company, M4Jam, 73% of those who took the survey had children in grades 4 to 12, considered to be candidates for online schooling.
Although the majority (86%) of parents felt schools should reopen and 39% of responding parents felt whatever measures schools put in place would be good enough to make them feel comfortable. When asked if they felt comfortable with their children returning to school, 55% of parents were unsure or not comfortable at all.
Twenty percent were happy with social distancing and hygiene measures encouraged, but 3% said their kids would only return when vaccines were available. Four percent of parents said they would not send their children back to school this year.
Most (85%) said their kids’ schools carried out temperature checks and 75% provided masks; and 14% of parents said they would like the government to focus its efforts into rolling out tests and vaccines to all students of school-going age.
Thirty-three percent of parents said they were offered online schooling options when schools closed in 2020, with 17% being offered live video lessons. A combination of reading material, assignments – even via email or text messages – and printed learning packs made up the bulk of alternative options provided by schools.
However, not all schools had responded at the same level – 8% of parents responding to the survey said their kids’ schools had not issued any communications to parents at all, 27% were underwhelmed by their schools’ communications while 56% were satisfied.
“While many schools did admirably well in quickly adapting to closures without having time to prepare or establish a baseline for online delivery, it is clear that the lack of reliable internet connectivity, devices and skills threaten to create divisions among the country’s children,” says M4Jam CEO Georgie Midgley.
“Some have had the opportunity to forge ahead with their learning through the last year, while some have essentially skipped a year’s education. This is a challenge which has to be tackled in a cross-sectoral approach from government departments and the private sector.”
Online learning has not been the stopgap many schools intended, since Internet access, computer skills, supervision and space to study were raised as common issues for learnings. While 39% of responding parents said their children were able to engage in online learning, 61% were not due to having no access to computers or suitable mobile devices, children not knowing how to use them and having no internet access at all.
Despite these responses, 81% of parents felt online learning could and should form part of the school curriculum going forward with 34% saying they would like the government to make remote learning become accessible for all students.
“The switch to online learning is highly commendable, though not without teething problems. As a digital networking platform, we would like to see the pandemic become an opportunity to accelerate the provision of internet connectivity and digital skills education to all South Africans, which will help the country in its necessary shift toward a digital economy,” says Midgley.