The Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) market is expected to hit double-digit billion-dollar revenue by 2025, according to new research from Dell’Oro Group.
“As enterprises pivot towards becoming cloud-first and mobile-friendly, they are running into the structural deficiencies of the hub-and-spoke model and need alternatives,” says Mauricio Sanchez, director at Dell’Oro Group.
“The need for more agility, better scalability, and ubiquitous security has driven the vendor community to respond with the convergence of software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) and secure web gateway (SWG) solutions into a new architecture under the SASE umbrella. As a result, enterprises’ interest in SASE is skyrocketing.”
Additional highlights from the SASE advanced research report include:
* The number of SASE technology vendors has grown from a handful to 35.
* Over the past year, communications service providers have rapidly embraced SASE due to many technology vendor choices, the ease and low risk of deployment, and new revenue potential.
* Two major SASE implementations types exist in the market, unified and disaggregated. Unified type consists of single-vendor, tightly integrated SASE platforms. Disaggregated type is a multi-vendor or multi-product implementation with less integration than unified. Unified type will grow faster than disaggregated, but not surpass it by total revenue through 2025.