A meeting of the highest decision-making body of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ended late last week with member states reaching consensus on actions to ensure that digital technology reaches and benefits people across the world.

The Plenipotentiary Conference of the United Nations specialised agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs) concluded its work in Bucharest, Romania, with agreements on how to harness the advantages of some of the world’s most promising technologies.

The meeting also adopted ITU’s strategic and budget plans for 2024 to 2027. ITU’s four-year strategy highlights key priorities for radiocommunication, standardisation and development work aimed at connecting the world, driving an inclusive global digital transformation, and helping achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.

“In the near future, digitalisation has the capacity to offer solutions to the challenges that humanity is facing, for instance by creating workplaces, promoting education, or fighting climate change and facilitating the green transition,” Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă told delegates in a video message during the quadrennial conference. “Digital transformation and telecommunication development are anchors of the economy of the future.”

ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao, in his last conference at the helm of the organisation, said he had “witnessed first-hand how ICT innovations have changed the world – and how important ITU has been in advancing this digital transformation.”

Reflecting on his 36 years at the organisation, including nearly two-and-a-half decades as an elected official, Zhao said: “We need to seize this moment and build on the decisions taken at this global conference to accelerate digital transformation, including for the 2,7-billion people worldwide who are still unconnected.”

Digital networks and technologies have empowered billions of people worldwide. Yet after a surge due to Covid-19, Internet uptake has slowed over the past year, leaving one-third of the world’s population still unconnected.

The international guidance emerging from the conference “will help build a global economy and society that is more sustainable, more prosperous, and more connected,” adds Zhao.

Sabin Sărmaș, conference chair and head of host country Romania’s parliamentary Information Technology and Communications Commission, says: “The consensus-based resolutions, built through negotiations and compromise, come as a rare example of accord these days among countries worldwide on issues of mutual concern for the future of humanity and the planet.”

The Final Act bringing together all the resolutions adopted at the Plenipotentiary, was signed by 157 Member States.

Key decisions agreed at the conference included resolutions on:

  • Applying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for good
  • Confidence-building and sustainable development in outer space
  • Empowering women and girls through digital transformation
  • Frequency assignments by military radio installations for national defence services
  • How new technologies can mitigate, rather than exacerbate, the climate crisis
  • How technologies can protect against global pandemics
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) for smart and sustainable cities and communities