Red Hat has announced Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform’s availability in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalogue with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

According to an IDC report, customers “should focus on the capabilities of their cloud management and automation solutions to help reduce costs and more effectively manage their multiple cloud environments. Over 90% of enterprises surveyed tell IDC they are using multiple clouds. The return on investment of cloud automation to reduce the cost of operation, optimise cloud resources, and quicker time to market should be forefront in any conversations.”

Ansible Automation Platform brings leading automation technology to one of the world’s top public clouds, limiting the overhead and complexity that can arise with automating across the hybrid cloud. IT organisations can now reap the benefits of a platform that they are already familiar with and is likely already integrated into their operations.

Available in AWS Marketplace, the new offering can help remove many of the burdens associated with self-deployment, helping IT teams to start automating immediately upon installation. Red Hat and AWS customers with varying skill levels can access a fast and simple way to deploy automation at scale with a solution that’s optimised for the cloud.

As enterprises further invest in hybrid cloud environments, they need management tools that can execute at the required scale, speed, and standardisation. Ansible Automation Platform makes it easier to manage AWS infrastructure, streamlining and operationalising otherwise complex and potentially error-prone activities.

With availability in AWS Marketplace, Red Hat is making it easier than ever for customers to access and use Red Hat’s powerful automation technology across cloud platforms. IT teams can coordinate and manage AWS environments in a simple and effective way without having to learn a new tool or integrate additional technologies into their operations.

Not only can Red Hat customers benefit from the integrated billing and native AWS services, but they can also take advantage of AWS’s broad portfolio of cloud services with the AWS Cloud Control API. The set of common APIs allows the rapid introduction of new AWS services and implementation of new features to existing ones, providing a consistent method for developers to manage the lifecycle of AWS and third-party services.