South African insurance company Renasa has partnered with Digimune to provide its network of independent brokers and their clients with a solution to monitor, mitigate and rectify cybersecurity risks.

Servicing hundreds of independent insurance brokers, Renasa will soon be offering access to Digimune’s suite of cybersecurity software tools directly from its own digital platform. This includes the full range of Digimune’s digital risk solutions for individuals and families, along with its professional range of business digital risk solutions for companies small to large.

“Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats facing individuals and companies today, so it makes sense that mitigating online risks and preventing, managing and recovering from information theft would be a great fit from an insurance perspective,” says Digimune director Simon Campbell-Young.

“By making our Digimune Identity, Identity Plus and Identity Premium products available directly from Renasa’s comprehensive technology platform, brokers can simply choose the level of cover they want to offer their clients, and package it as part of their policy portfolios.”

Digimune’s advanced monitoring and protection solutions work behind the scenes to mitigate all types of personal and sensitive information risk, including identity theft protection, social media monitoring, and unauthorised use of personal identifiable information (PII) on any Internet platform, both mainstream and on the dark web.

For companies, Digimune’s Business Digital Risk Protection products offer a similar suite of scalable solutions, focused primarily at protecting business digital assets, company credit cards and accounts, company registration information and staff safety. Both individuals and companies will also have access to takedown services should personal information leak online, and legal and recovery services against more serious forms of digital theft, including cryptowallet protection and AI-based protection against identity theft.

“Our products cover the entire digital landscape, so we can see, for example, if someone has stolen personal photos using AI identity matching, or injected malware or other nefarious information through the front-end of company portals, something most companies aren’t even aware is possible,” he says. “We can then go further and monitor social media platforms for personal or competitive slander, scams, or any other type of content leak that could result in serious reputational damage.”

Austin Mpandawana, manager of Renasa specialist classes says cybersecurity risks are on the rise, and the damage caused can impact directly on insurance companies and their brokers.

“Sometimes the best form of defence is attack, and so we’ve chosen to proactively offer our brokers and their clients the means to defend themselves against risks they may be exposed to, and which could potentially compromise their wellbeing or livelihoods.

“In Digimune we have a partner that not only has vast experience of the cybersecurity landscape, but also the most effective tools on the market that our brokers can quickly, easily and cost-effectively use to protect themselves and their clients.”