What makes a successful software developer? Is it the number of degrees or certifications that they have, or the number of years of experience they have accumulated?

By Craig Williams, technical director at Webtonic

These certainly can be important, however, there are undergraduates’ who shoot the lights out from day one. Nothing beats having people on your team who show grit, are balanced and love to learn.

Successful software developers share several common traits. These are the qualities that allow them to thrive in a demanding environment that challenges them on multiple fronts.

Perhaps the most important trait is … grit

This goes beyond just sticking it out when a project goes through a rough patch, it’s the ability to persevere in the face of adversity.

This may sound dramatic, it’s not as if it’s a tiger loose in the office, but the reality of this role is that it can be intensely demanding at times, with deadlines being the norm.

Daily, developers have to deal with production issues and bugs, while at the same time delivering on project commitments that at times can be unreasonable.

It’s a balancing act

Grit without balance, is a recipe for disaster, with burnout lurking around the corner.

Forty-plus hour weeks are not OK. Software developers must be able to balance work and life. It’s important to balance the demands of the code with the needs of the mind.

The most important tool in the software developer’s toolbox is their mind and this needs rest, healthy living and balance to operate optimally for extended periods.