A new report from Forrester – Generative AI prompts productivity, imagination, and innovation in the enterprise – finds that generative AI can augment and enhance existing business processes in ways that were previously impossible.

Forrester defines “generative AI” as: “A set of technologies and techniques that leverage massive corpuses of data, including large language models, to generate new content (for example, text, video, images, audio, code). Inputs may be natural language prompts or other non-code and non-traditional inputs.”

While generative AI applications are still emerging, Forrester says, enterprises can no longer ignore or downplay its impact. In the short-term, enterprises should start exploring generative AI use cases immediately, focusing on existing processes that can be enhanced by these technologies. These include:

* Accelerating visual designers’ workflows to give their teams more flexibility – While many are familiar with text-to-image generators like DALL-E or Midjourney, professional creatives who use generative AI are using it as a part of their workflows to enhance the speed of iterations and ideations.

* Giving marketers more creative power while automating difficult tasks – Generative AI can give marketers the power to generate massive sets of content that consistently speak in a brand voice and engages customers. In the future, marketers will use generative AI to quickly generate multiple content pieces from a single source.

* Providing new defence opportunities for security professionals – For example, generative AI can be used to create biometric data for penetration testing. Large language models can also be used to review and analyse email content to detect phishing or other social-engineering attacks