The Innovation Hub, a subsidiary of Gauteng Growth and Development Agency, strategically tasked with driving innovation in Gauteng Province, was recognised at the Startup Ecosystem Stars (SES) Awards.

The event, co-hosted by the France International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Mind The Bridge took place at the headquarters in Paris, France on 7 December 2023. The award ceremony recognised The Innovation Hub for its outstanding contributions to nurturing a vibrant innovation ecosystem and its contribution in honing the entrepreneurial skills and Intellectual Property to increase innovation capabilities and grow the Gauteng Economy to be able to compete globally.

The SES Awards aim to shine a spotlight on excellence in global innovation ecosystems, with invited organisations representing cities, regions, or countries. The Innovation Hub’s accolade is part of a broader celebration that includes 14 regions and cities across four categories. This recognition is further highlighted in the report, “Building Startup Ecosystem Stars: The World’s Life Cycle of Innovation 2023.” The report showcases case studies, spotlighting practices and pivotal figures shaping the landscape of global innovation.

Mothibedi Matshele, interim-CEO of The Innovation Hub, comments: “Being recognized on a global scale is encouraging to continue undeterred in our mission to foster innovation and support entrepreneurs. This acknowledgment fuels our commitment to driving positive change.”