Sanlam recently launched its fintech business cluster.

Led by a globally competitive exco team, Sanlam Fintech represents a strategic move within the Sanlam Group to expand its existing fintech offerings and ensure that all aspects of the $8-billion (R143-billion) listed company’s services are digitally-driven.

The overarching goal is to use tech to accelerate access to financial services for all Africans, delivering on the group’s purpose: to help Africans live with financial confidence.

The cluster will be led by a group of industry veterans, headed up by Riaan van Dyk as CEO. Van Dyk was the former group CEO of Assupol, with over 25 years’ experience in the financial services sector.

Johan Moolman – the former CEO of FNB eBucks Rewards – joined Sanlam Fintech in October to lead Sanlam Loyalty & Rewards.

“Johan is a real coup for Sanlam,” says van Dyk. “We are serious about rewarding our clients and building a loyalty ecosystem that will be one of the best on the continent, and Johan is unparalleled in his experience and track record in this regard.”

Atle Jorgensen, who spent 10 years as a senior software engineer at Amazon, joined Sanlam Fintech as chief technology officer in August, and Spotify’s Rishi Kumar joined in September to lead the cluster’s data capability. Jumo’s former chief product officer Martin Vogdt will oversee Sanlam Fintech’s product offering.

Van Dyk comments: “We have carefully listened to the needs of the market and are responding in a way that positions us to serve both today’s clients and those of the future. Our vision for Sanlam Fintech is to be the best, most cost-effective means of offering trusted financial guidance and solutions at scale. We see this as our greatest chance to democratise financial literacy and pave the way for more people to achieve financial confidence and prosperity.”