IT Qualification (degree/diploma)
Languages / Frameworks: Angular 8+, TypeScript 3+, JavaScript ES6+, HTML 5, CSS 3, JSON, Source Control (Git)
o JavaScript Frameworks
? RxJs, NgRx, Angular Material, Sass, Karma, Jasmine
o Cloud knowledge
? Azure / Google / AWS
? Kubernetes
? Docker
o Enterprise Level Logging (EG ELK Stack / AppInsights)
o DevOps mindset
o Azure Devops (Pipeline)
o Atlassian Suite (Jira, Confluence)
o Distributed Computing Experience (Microservices)
o Service Bus Tech (RabbitMQ / Azure Service Bus)
o Event Driven Architecture
o Domain Driven Design (DDD)
o Security OAuth / OIDC / Identity Server 4
- Agile and scrum methodologies.
- Knowledge and understanding of UI/UX principles and methodologies.
- Knowledge and understanding OO design principles.
- Financial System and/or mobile development experience advantageous.
- Client and Server development experience.
Desired Skills:
- angular