The global video games market is poised to grow impressively in the upcoming years, with expectations of a robust annual growth rate of 9,3% between 2023 and 2028.

This projected expansion underscores the ever-increasing popularity of video games as a form of entertainment across the world. The global video games market is expected to increase to nearly $390-billion dollars by 2028. A global Kaspersky study also shows that gamers are just as passionate about shopping as everybody else.

Gamers are voracious shoppers at sales events, a recent Kaspersky study has revealed. Research shows that most games fans won’t miss a chance to improve their gaming setup during big sales events.

After preparing their wish lists beforehand, 71% of gamers buy as many of these listed items as possible during the sales events. Many of them do their best not to miss out: 65% set alerts for the release of new items such as games, upgrades, or equipment, enabling them to make immediate purchases.

The study underscores the importance of sales events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday for gaming enthusiasts, with 74% rating these events as very or even extremely important to obtain games, upgrades, and equipment. Interestingly, the appeal of sales often leads to spontaneous purchases.

Regardless of the initial solution, 53% of gamers buy something for their system. Even with careful planning of expenditures, most gamers can’t resist buying something else during the general rush.

To achieve their perfect setup, gamers are open to using diverse payment methods, including cryptocurrency. A remarkable 57% of gamers are comfortable using cryptocurrency for online purchases, and 56% for transactions in physical stores. Among committed gamers (those playing over 21 hours per week), this preference for digital currency transactions jumps to two-thirds.