DVT has established a strategic partnership with Algolia, a global API-first AI search platform that delivers conversions and increased revenue at enterprise scale for large production workloads.

Algolia ases advanced large language models (LLM) together with its own NeuralHashing for hyper-scale and constantly learns from user interactions for better results.

Valerie Waterschoot, Algolia enterprise account executive, says : “Algolia is committed to advancing AI-powered Search, and we believe Algolia AI Search does just that. Algolia’s AI Search, a first-of-its-kind hybrid search product, provides users with a smarter and more intuitive way to discover the most relevant content they want, when they need it, irrespective of the type of query presented. Importantly, we make it easy to achieve live production quickly – specifically, we provide the set-up, scaling, and management of all search capabilities and services – all of which helps accelerate and power discovery.”

Founded in 2012, Algolia powers 1,75-trillion search requests a year or more than 30-billion a week. It is used by one in six online users and more than 5-million developers a month.

Karl Fischer, chief marketing officer of DVT, comments: “Our partnership with Algolia is reflective of DVT’s commitment to providing innovative software solutions globally. Through this partnership, DVT enables customers to leverage Algolia’s advanced search and AI capabilities to achieve dramatically improved sales in the digital channel while also improving their customers’ experience.”