Businesses have experienced a noticeable spike in fraudulent activity – coupled with a significant increase in the value of fraudulent transactions, according to Debtsource credit application data.

The context is that companies now rely more heavily on supplier credit facilities than ever as their prime form of business lending due to a decrease in available bank funding.

“Longer supply chain delays in shipping, harbour, and rail networks has placed additional strain on company cashflows, forcing businesses to access second-tier financing options such as invoice discounting or supply chain finance,” explains Frank Knight, CEO at Debtsource. “However, these are typically at much higher rates than traditional bank funding, adding further pressure to profitability and cashflows.

“Lenders, in response to the heightened interest rate environment, have adopted a more cautious stance which is evident in their reduced risk appetite for traditional unsecured products,” Knight adds. “This caution translated into offering smaller average loan amounts and imposing limits on new revolving products.”

The result of greater reliance on supplier credit facilities is that these lenders are bearing heightened risk of increased fraud. The persistent emergence of commercial identity theft and scam operations prompts weekly alerts from trade credit insurance companies urging credit providers to heighten their vigilance.

“Consequently, decision-making processes are slowed down as meticulous scrutiny becomes necessary for both new and existing applications or orders,” Knight explains. “Businesses now rely on stricter credit policies and delve deeper into the backgrounds of potential credit recipients to safeguard themselves.”

Knight gives the example that according to the Q4 2023 TransUnion Consumer Pulse Survey, digital fraud and personal data security are major concerns for businesses as 28% of respondents were targeted by fraud schemes in the prior three months – with 10% falling victim.

In Experian’s latest fraud report, 73% of businesses in the survey saw their fraud losses increase in the past 12 months.

Fraud schemes typically involve phishing, smishing (fraudulently soliciting information via SMS), and money/gift cards with businesses more at risk in the event of employees falling prey to such schemes. The balance between fraud attacks and prevention is highly dynamic and the only way to stay ahead of fraudsters is to take advantage of the latest fraud detection technology, says Knight.

This highlights the need for better data security measures and more secure digital environments by suppliers.

“Recent regulatory changes have had a profound impact on commercial credit transactions,” says Knight. “Credit providers are now required to register and adhere to the new Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) regulations. This entails not only FIC registration, but also the identification of beneficial ownership and rigorous Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. Consequently, the process of opening new accounts has become more intricate, necessitating adjustments to credit policies, applications, and the reporting of cash transactions exceeding the specified threshold.”

The financial stress these factors place on businesses is evident in the rising rate of delinquencies, with Debtsource statistics showing a 33% increase since the start of the current interest rate hiking cycle.

“There is a direct correlation between higher interest rates and increased delinquencies in trade credit because more companies go out of business when interest rates increase,” says Knight.

While the latest liquidation data released by Statistics SA in November 2023 paints a different picture – with the total number of liquidations decreasing by 13,4% between October 2022 and 2023 – Knight cautions that this rosy statistic overlooks a crucial trend.

“The conventional focus on liquidation statistics as a bellwether for the business sector’s overall health does not account for the fact that companies are increasingly opting for business rescue instead of succumbing to outright liquidation,” he says.

While providing a lifeline to struggling businesses, Knight says this shift in strategy conceals the gravity of the financial distress in the market with Debtsource witnessing a 26% YoY increase in business rescues.

“Our records indicate that companies that go into business rescue remain there for longer, which simply means that liquidation stats have a lag effect,” he says.

“Knight says that artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to play a significant role as a fraud detection tool in the trade credit sector.

“With one in every 300 credit applications processed by Debtsource including some element of fraud we constantly refine our models to better detect low-, medium- and high-risk applications,” he says.

According to Knight, applying more efficient AI models to trade credit application vetting helped Debtsource clients avoid over R400-million in fraudulent transactions in 2023.

“This fraudulent activity typically includes commercial identity theft and scam businesses,” he says. “Trade credit providers must protect themselves with more rigid credit policies and deeper insights into those they grant credit to.”

However, scrutinising every application or order affects the speed at which businesses can make decisions, he adds, which is where data analysis using AI and ML can streamline the process.