In the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS, technological innovation emerges as a powerful ally. #ForeverWena has launched a WhatsApp chatbot designed to increase awareness and education efforts surrounding HIV/AIDS, particularly among the youth.

ForeverWena’s WhatsApp chatbot disseminates vital information and support services, reaching, and engaging South Africans on a platform they already utilise.

Cherylann Sawyer, managing partner of # ForeverWena’s campaign partner Ogilvy One, believes that technology holds immense potential to transform the landscape of HIV/AIDS education and support.

“By harnessing the power of messaging platforms like WhatsApp, we aim to empower youth with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to make informed decisions and lead healthier lives.”

* Expert Guidance: Users can interact with the chatbot to ask questions and receive vetted responses from healthcare professionals, ensuring accurate and reliable information on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and support services.

* Health Reminders: The chatbot enables users to personalise health reminders and stay proactive about their health and well-being.

* Comprehensive Content: Through seamless integration with the #ForeverWena website, the chatbot provides access to curated content, addressing some of the most asked questions and concerns surrounding HIV/AIDS.

“We recognise our country’s diverse linguistic landscape and made the chatbot available in isiZulu, Sesotho and English to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for users to engage in their preferred language,” says Sawyer.

By leveraging technology to drive education and awareness, #ForeverWena’s WhatsApp chatbot offers a multifaceted approach to combating the spread of HIV/AIDS:

* Information Dissemination: The chatbot serves as a virtual repository of accurate information, dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding HIV/AIDS and empowering users to make informed decisions about their sexual health.

* Community Engagement: Through interactive features and real-time support, the chatbot fosters a sense of community among users, providing a safe space for dialogue, peer support, and solidarity.

* Access to Services: By seamlessly linking users to relevant resources and up-to-date information on support services, the chatbot breaks down barriers to access, ensuring that individuals receive the assistance they need promptly and efficiently.

* Promoting Awareness: Through targeted messaging and outreach campaigns, #ForeverWena’s WhatsApp chatbot amplifies awareness efforts, mobilising youth participation in the fight against HIV/AIDS and driving positive behavioural change.

People can engage with the #ForeverWena WhatsApp chatbot by texting ‘Hi’ to +27(0) 84 952 6152, selecting their preferred language and learn more on how to make right sexual health choices. You can also access the #ForeverWena WhatsApp chatbot through the website by clicking on the ‘Let’s chat options’ button available on the homepage.